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“ACEC Ohio is a true blessing. As a board member, I have seen firsthand the positive impacts the Council has had on the engineering industry through advocacy, engagement and information sharing. As a committee member of the Vertical Development Committee, I have enjoyed working with other member firms on policies and standards as well as collaborating on trends within the engineering industry.” -- Angie Wells, GPD Group


“ACEC Ohio provides great resources to member firms such as their Rising Leaders program, which combines business & management training, exposure to political advocacy, and networking. The connections I made in my class have led to successful teaming opportunities!” -- Jared Love, WSP


“As a small firm, I initially became a member of ACEC Ohio to build relationships but have realized the value of the organization with educational and committee programming. As a former PAC Trustee, I saw firsthand the value of our advocacy efforts extending tax relief for LLC firms. I am proud to be an ACEC Ohio member and happily contribute to the Ohio and National PACs to ensure a stronger voice for our industry.” -- Nicole Clune, Clune Consultants


“Membership with ACEC Ohio helps Jacobs stay proactive and engaged in industry-defining discussions. Through ACEC Ohio’s chapter meetings and as a Chapter leader, I’ve had the chance to meet leaders of the firms, address key industry issues, and form valuable partnerships.” -- Ram Nunna, Jacobs


“I’m a huge advocate for joining ACEC Ohio mainly because of the many benefits each firm gets in Ohio.  Being on the Members Services committee allows me to lead the charge and bring light to all the ways firms and their staff can get involved from the chapter level to any number of statewide committees.  I’ve met some great firms, listened to the issues they are concerned about, and helped bring those issues to the forefront which helps our industry. “ -- Jake Stremmel, HDR Inc.


"Participating in the 2023 ACEC Ohio Annual Meeting session on the Workforce Development Panel gave me a better understanding of the Higher Education side of Workforce Development. Collaboration between ACEC members and various Ohio engineering, surveying, planning, architecture and construction management training programs will help provide the industry with the skilled personnel needed to be successful in today’s workplace. In addition, my involvement with the Board as the NW Ohio Director has proven that ACEC Ohio does a great job of bringing the right people to the table to have these discussions." -- Laurie Adams, DGL Consulting Engineers, LLC


"ACEC Ohio has been an invaluable partner for our small firm, providing us with a wealth of resources and opportunities. Their commitment to supporting all firms, especially smaller ones like ours, has made a significant difference in our ability to thrive in a competitive industry. The ACEC Life Health and Trust program, in particular, has been a game-changer for us. By allowing our firm to be underwritten alongside other firms, we have been able to access discounted health insurance costs. ACEC Ohio truly understands the unique challenges faced by smaller firms and goes above and beyond, enabling us to focus on delivering exceptional services to our clients. We are grateful for their unwavering support and dedication." -- Nate Quicksall, W.E. Quicksall & Associates


"My time with ACEC Ohio has been so valuable as I move forward with my career. I was in the 2019 Rising Leaders group. This program was the best mixture of training, professional development, and networking I have come across throughout my career. During the sessions I learned information I will need to know as a leader in my company which I wouldn’t learn in any other training I have been able to find. The subject matter experts brought to each session were truly experts in their field, provided a wealth of knowledge, and were happy to answer questions even after the sessions were over. After each session I would come back to the office and talk to the owners of my company about what I learned and which led to ideas of how we could improve in the future. A large emphasis of the program was placed on networking with the other rising leaders in the class. The contacts I made have already paid off during my day-to-day efforts of project teaming. The connections I formed with my fellow rising leaders is more than I would be able to attain at any other training or networking event. The knowledge and contacts I have obtained during the Rising Leader program will assist me as I continue to grow in my career.

Additionally, I currently serve on the newly formed Workforce Development Committee. I have been involved with student outreach throughout my career, helping lead the internship program at Carpenter Marty and through my time serving on the ITE board. Additionally, we all hear about the struggles everyone faces with hiring these days. So this was a committee whose goals spoke to me and feels like a platform we can use to make a difference. This new committee will facilitate connections between ACEC Ohio and higher education to develop an open line of communication on curriculum needs, talent pipeline, student experiences, and legislative support. The goal of the group is to foster and support the development of future professionals in Ohio’s built environment. This is something we can all benefit from in our working community for years to come." -- Gina Balsamo, Carpenter Marty Transportation


"Networking with other ACEC members, across the US and internationally, CTL has been able to team up with other firms to provide all of the services that our client’s need. ACEC member firms bring credibility, thus reducing the verification needs to partner with firms, when projects require quick responses."  -- C.K. Satyaprita, CTL Engineering


"ACEC Ohio is an important asset to CM&T through its advocacy at the Ohio General Assembly.  The combined ACEC Ohio voice, representing over 140 firms and 8000 employees, gives a much louder and more impactful voice than CMT's alone.  ACEC Ohio has become a trusted, ready and knowledgeable source of information for the business of engineering." -- Greg Heaton, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly 


“ACEC provides a firm along with its employees opportunities to engage with leading firms in the consulting industry as well as with your clients. It is a way to reach out beyond your field and meet other engineers who are seeking to advance the engineering profession.”  -- Joseph Bolzenius, The Mannik & Smith Group


"Building relationships is an essential part of any successful undertaking, so my favorite ACEC Ohio event is the Partnering Conference. Collaboration between ODOT staff and ACEC Member consultants provides opportunities to improve how we work together to design and maintain Ohio’s roadway network." -- Beth Thornton, The Mannik & Smith Group


“ACEC Ohio has been instrumental in helping us through situations that we are not always comfortable with. The focus that our ACEC staff has and contacts that they utilize in pursuing issues that support our industry are priceless assets that we could not accomplish individually.” -- Greg Simon, Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd.


“ACEC Ohio is currently helping my firm stay informed during this unprecedented pandemic. ACEC gives our clients a way to communicate with our firms and gives us the voice to express concerns and get questions answered.” -- Gary Bowen, DLZ


“As an ACEC Ohio PAC board trustee, I see firsthand the value to our members and the positive impact of our advocacy efforts promoting legislation that benefits Ohio firms. Make it a priority to join a committee and attend events. Both you and your firm will benefit!" -- Dave Krock, OHM Advisors 


“Being involved with ACEC Ohio has helped kick start my career as a consultant. Through our chapter meetings, I have had the opportunity to meet and network with a wide variety of engineering professionals, which has led to many projects, partnering opportunities, and friendships.” -- Brendan Lieske, SME Inc.