State lawmakers and regulators make decisions every day that impact how Ohio's engineering companies do business. They determine the state's policies relating to taxation, transportation funding, building codes, solid and hazardous waste disposal, water pollution control, energy, engineer selection procedures, Workers' Compensation and dozens of other issues that directly affect our industry.
The ACEC Ohio Political Action Committee exists for the sole purpose of ensuring that the people making these decisions understand the perspective of the owners of private engineering companies. Donations to ACEC Ohio/PAC are used to support the election campaigns of legislators and state officials who recognize and support the interests of our industry.
Today, more than ever before, our participation in the political process is critical to the welfare of the engineering industry. Term limits have created a "revolving door" situation in which state representatives and senators come and go quickly. They don't have the time to come to us to learn about issues that are important to engineering companies.
Unless we take the initiative to inform them about important public policy issues and our needs as employers, another industry or group – perhaps with interests at odds with our own – is likely to fill the vacuum we leave. A strong ACEC Ohio/PAC will give our industry access to legislators who need to learn more about the crucial issues that confront our industry and the state.
Whether ACEC Ohio/PAC is able to carry out its purpose depends totally on you. If ACEC Ohio/PAC is to succeed in helping to elect candidates who understand and support your concerns, it needs your financial support. It's just that simple.
Ohio law prohibits political action committees from accepting corporate contributions, so it is up to individual principals and associates of ACEC Ohio member companies to step up to the plate and make sure the PAC has the resources it needs to succeed.
Every year, ACEC Ohio member company are asked to raise funds internally for ACEC Ohio/PAC. The amount requested is proportionate to the size of the company.
A viable Political Action Committee is a key component of ACEC Ohio's government affairs program and every company should consider it support of ACEC Ohio/PAC a routine, but important, cost of doing business. When the annual call goes out for support of ACEC Ohio/PAC, it is in you company's interest to respond.