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Ohio Worker’s Comp

2025 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo

The 2025 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo® will be April 16-18 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Are you as excited as we are for this incredible FREE event?

Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss out!


  • Stellar educational opportunities: Attend engaging and informative educational sessions and workshops tailored to elevate your expertise. And gain valuable Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) to enhance your professional development!
  • Exclusive Expo Marketplace: Discover the latest safety solutions, meet exhibitors, and explore new products that can transform your workplace safety practices.
  • Networking & collaboration: Connect with industry leaders and peers who share your commitment to safety. Exchange ideas, best practices, and build relationships that will benefit your organization.
  • Comprehensive schedule: Our jampacked schedule is designed to offer something for everyone in the safety industry.

FY23 Group Rating Safety Accountability Letter 

Save Significantly on Your Workers’ Compensation Premium.

Did you know that many alternative discounts are available to help reduce your annual Ohio workers’ compensation costs? Through the Sedgwick workers’ compensation program, your organization can significantly reduce your workers’ compensation costs through a variety of alternative rating programs. Sedgwick offers you quality service and stability through the complex workers’ compensation environment.

For over 50 years, Sedgwick has been helping employers navigate Ohio’s workers’ compensation system, providing services to help them control claim-related costs and reduce premiums. Their team includes experienced colleagues from CompManagement and CareWorks Comp. The two companies merged and are now Sedgwick. Together, they serve nearly 65,000 Ohio employers including organizations of all sizes operating in various industries across the state. Group rating programs administered by Sedgwick have produced over $4 billion in savings since group rating was introduced in 1991, and their group retrospective programs have returned over $630 million in premium refunds since the program began in 2009.

new logo

For more information on the ACEC Ohio Group Rating Program, contact Paul Feck with Sedgwick at 614-906-00535, or by e-mail at

If your organization is not yet participating in this member benefit, and you would like to receive a free, no-obligation analysis from Sedgwick please reach out to Paul.

Sedgwick Safety Resource Page:


Workplace Safety Information

As the sponsor of a Workers' Compensation Group Rating program, ACEC Ohio has the responsibility to help its members improve the safety of their workplaces and thus reduce the number and severity of Workers' Compensation claims. Check this page regularly for the latest information on how to improve safety in the workplace.

Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation 10-Step Business Plan for Safety:

  • Step 1: Visible active senior management leadership
  • Step 2: Involvement and recognition
  • Step 3: Medical treatment and return to work practices
  • Step 4: Communications
  • Step 5: Timely notification of claims
  • Step 6: Safety and health process coordination and employer education
  • Step 7: A written orientation and employee training plan
  • Step 8: Written and communicated safe work practices
  • Step 9: Written safety and health statement or philosophy
  • Step 10. Recordkeeping and data analysis.

A wide array of additional safety information and services are available through the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation Division of Safety and Hygiene.

Safety Resources

The BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene offers educational and safety consulting services at no additional cost. Safety & Hygiene consultants assist employers by identifying safety and health hazards and assessing safety programs and making recommendations for improvements. The Division of Safety & Hygiene provides the following services:

  • Safety Audits
  • Ergonomic Studies
  • Industrial Hygiene Consulting
  • Reference Materials, Videos, etc.
  • Safety Publications
  • Employee Safety Training
  • Safety Councils
  • All - Ohio Safety and Health Congress

The link for safety resources is:

For more information, call their toll free number at 1-800-644-6292, ext. 22.

Avoid Biggest Source of Workers' Comp Claims: Back Injuries

Back strains and sprains are the single biggest source of Workers' Compensation claims for engineering firms, according to data from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation Division of Safety & Hygiene.

According to the National Safety Council, 60 percent to 80 percent of all workers will experience a back problem at some time during their working careers. Back strains and sprains are the largest source of workplace claims.

Conditions in the workplace that increase the likelihood of back pain are called "risk factors.," and include:

  • Lifting heavy loads;
  • Carrying bulky loads or loads far away from the body;
  • Frequent lifting;
  • Bending the body’s trunk, as when picking items up off the floor;
  • Twisting the body’s trunk;
  • Static loading (for example, holding objects for long periods of time).

Here's what you can do to reduce or eliminate exposure to these risk factors:

  • Limit exposure by providing mechanical assistance, such as conveyor systems, two- and fourwheel carts, and hoists; or by lightening the load to be lifted;
  • Engineer safer conditions, such as by elevating the starting point of the lift, to reduce worker exposure to awkward postures;
  • Training employees (a safer way to lift should be considered when none of the previous methods are feasible);
  • Administrative controls (if the lifting is frequent, rotate the work with other workers).

If lifting can't be avoided, select the safest way to lift – one that is free from the potential for injury. However, we can lessen our exposure by using an approach that encompasses best practices that have come about through research and application. Here are some guidelines:

  • Plan the lift from start to destination;
  • Flex to loosen up your body before starting the lift;
  • Squat close to the load;
  • Grip the load firmly with both hands, not just the fingers;
  • Place hands on diagonally opposite corners so one hand pulls toward you and the other one lifts;
  • Bring the load as close as possible to the body;
  • Keep weight centered over your feet, with arms and elbows against your sides;
  • Keep your back straight, use the power in your legs to push yourself and the object into a standing position;
  • Avoid twisting by changing direction with your feet;
  • Continue to your destination with the object as close to the body as possible.

Medical Marijuana and its Impact on BWC

Click here for more information

Provided by the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation Division of Safety & Hygiene.