Complete Story
Message from Beth -- November 18, 2021


Message from Beth -- November 18, 2021

Thank you

As we celebrate Thanksgiving next week, the staff at ACEC Ohio want to thank you for your membership, your time, your donations and your excellence in the profession of Engineering.  As a non-profit trade association, it takes volunteers to make this organization run smoothly.  And we have great volunteers! 

Thank you to the Board of Directors who work tirelessly to support and move the organization forward.

Thank you to our Board of PAC Trustees, seeking voluntary contributions to our PAC programs and have successfully met our ACEC National PAC goal for six years in a row, including 2021! 

Thank you to our committee chairs, who work to meet the mission of the committee, moving relationships forward with key state agencies and associations as well as set up discipline forums reflecting industry trends in the private sector, water and energy markets. 

Thank you to our professional forum facilitators, discussing key issues that are of interest to our Human Resources, Finance, Marketing and IT professionals. 

Thank you to our committee members who participate regularly and volunteer to move subcommittees focused on certain goals forward.

Thank you to our chapter leaders, supporting the advocacy, membership, scholarship and rising leader efforts in our four regions.

It is truly an honor to work with our ACEC Ohio members to advocate, protect and promote Engineering Business in Ohio.

We wish you a blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends.

~Beth, Holly and Haley


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